West Coast Christian Conference 2008  
Home What God Has Entrusted to His Church (2 Timothy 1:12-14)  
July 23 - July 27, 2008
Speakers: Bro. Stephen Kaung (What God Has Entrusted to His Church)
Bro. Lance Lambert (Guard the Deposit Entrusted - by the Holy Spirit)
Bro. Christian Chen (Guard the Deposit Entrusted - the Pattern of the Word)
Languages: Mandarin and English (with Cantonese interpretation via earphones)
Location: Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, Washington  98447
(Get directions.)
Workshop Speakers: Kwok-Hin Wong (Guarding the Deposit Entrusted in Life)
Godwin Sun (Guarding the Deposit Entrusted in Service)
Dana Congdon (Guarding the Deposit Entrusted in Our Youth)