2021 Theme

The Spiritual Reality of the Church (Colossians 3:11b)

Online: July 28-August 1, 2021 (Wed-Sun)
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The conference will be taking place online, with both Mandarin and English translations.
Messages will be uploaded within 30 minutes after each meeting.

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The Prevailing of the Authority of the Head

Col 1:18b, John 15:5b
Speaker: Brother Dana Congdon

The Presence of the Holy Spirit

John 14:16b, John 16:14a
Speaker: Brother Godwin Sun

The Abundance of the Life of Christ

Col 2:9-10, Col 3:4
Speaker: Brother Ted Peng

Perfection through the Cross

John 19:30, Gal 2:20a
Speaker: Brother Timothy Kwok